Southcote-Paven-Prima-Pars-edited (courtesy V Kaycoff)
Southcote-Paven-Secunda-Pars-edited (courtesy V Kaycoff)
Timings for week 2 sound files
Southcote with fingerings, prima pars (Wed. class)
Southcote with fingerings, secunda pars (Wed. class)
Ferrabosco galliard, both parts (Tues. class)
Ferrabosco galliard (Martha Bishop Ed., much more readable)
Ferrabosco coranto, both parts
Timings for week 3 sound files
Timings for week 4 sound files
Student solos:
Manchester Viol Book #4 (Penny)
Why Not Here, rehearsal speed, prima pars
Why Not Here, rehearsal speed, secunda pars
Why Not Here, performance speed, prima pars
Why Not Here, performance speed, secunda pars
Ferrabosco galliard, real slow, both parts
Ferrabosco coranto, real slow, both parts
Ferrabosco coranto, mm52, both parts
Ferrabosco coranto, mm63, both parts
Ferrabosco galliard, mm60, both parts
Ferrabosco galliard, mm66, both parts
An Almain mm84 Secunda Pars (apologies for recording glitch in B sections)
An Almain mm58-half Prima Pars
An Almain mm58-half Secunda Pars
An Almain mm58-half, both parts together
Southcote Galliard mm60 Prima Pars
Southcote Galliard mm60 Secunda Pars
Southcote Galliard mm72 Prima Pars
Southcote Galliard mm72 Secunda Pars
Southcote Galliard mm72, both parts together
Cate of Bardie mm76 Prima Pars
Cate of Bardie mm76 Secunda Pars
Cate of Bardie mm92 Prima Pars
Cate of Bardie mm92 Secunda Pars
Cate of Bardie mm92, both parts together
Southcote Paven mm60 Prima Pars
Southcote Paven mm60 Secunda Pars